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Artificial intelligence
ConeXaLab helps you address the challenges involved in implementing new projects with disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence. Count on our group of high-level experts as the best allies for the success of your mission in the development of artificial intelligence tools, especially computer vision tools that give robustness to your products and services, adding value to the processes of your activities.
Hardware & Softawre
Start your journey towards the materialization of ideas with our comprehensive hardware and software development service. From creative design to quality manufacturing, our multi-disciplinary team takes care of every aspect to take your projects to the next level.
We excel at integrating disruptive technologies such as IoT (Internet of Things), artificial intelligence and blockchain, ensuring that your product is positioned at the forefront in today's technological landscape.
We accompany the development of your projects and technological infrastructure using the benefits of Blockchain.
We are your strategic allies to obtain the maximum value from Blockchain technology by guaranteeing computer security services and generating synergies by incorporating Machine Learning, IoT and Big DAta projects

It is a technological development company, for the management and environmentally sustainable development of industry and smart territories.
Our multidisciplinary talent of professionals with high experience and knowledge focus their creativity and effort on the comprehensive satisfaction of our clients, value creation and sustainable development.

Our higher purpose is to reduce social gaps in the world, by developing tools that can positively impact lives.
Our high-value solutions are built to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, from which we primarily aim towards:
1. No Poverty
4. Quality Education
9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
13. Climate Action
Placed 5th position in Santander, and 78th at the National level in the Ranking of Business Innovation 2021
8 positively impacted SDGs
More than 2MM people positively impacted with our solutions
