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i -News is a system for displaying Early Warning Systems - SAT stations, which is supported by the information supplied by prestigious international teams, international entities and official entities such as IDEAM, UNGRD, CIOH, SGC and NOAA, with the objective of keeping the population and managing agencies informed of natural or anthropic events.

SDGs that we seek to positively impact

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Integrate into a single system and make your own reports with the information from your river and hydrological sensors or from third parties.

Carry out timely follow-ups and generate statistics that allow you to be one step ahead of a critical situation. 


I monitor air quality and possible atmospheric changes that may influence your daily life.

With powerful sensors with the latest LoT technology, have a monitored and smarter environment


Use data from satellite or sensor stations to put together your report operationally for forest fire response.


Inform the community about any earthquake, generating useful and accurate reports. 

i-News is a comprehensive solution for remote monitoring applications of early warning systems through “plug and play” wireless sensors integrated into internationally prestigious equipment.


The web application is designed to view, manage and share data from wireless sensors in a simple and intuitive way. It has multiple features that provide you with easy and hassle-free navigation.

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